Container Images

Spack Environments (spack.yaml) can easily be turned into container images. This page outlines two ways in which this can be done:

  1. By installing the environment on the host system, and copying the installations into the container image. This approach does not require any tools like Docker or Singularity to be installed.

  2. By generating a Docker or Singularity recipe that can be used to build the container image. In this approach, Spack builds the software inside the container runtime, not on the host system.

The first approach is easiest if you already have an installed environment, the second approach gives more control over the container image.

From existing installations

If you already have a Spack environment installed on your system, you can share the binaries as an OCI compatible container image. To get started you just have to configure and OCI registry and run spack buildcache push.

# Create and install an environment in the current directory
spack env create -d .
spack -e . add pkg-a pkg-b
spack -e . install

# Configure the registry
spack -e . mirror add --oci-username ... --oci-password ... container-registry oci://

# Push the image
spack -e . buildcache push --update-index --base-image ubuntu:22.04 --tag my_env container-registry

The resulting container image can then be run as follows:

$ docker run -it

The image generated by Spack consists of the specified base image with each package from the environment as a separate layer on top. The image is minimal by construction, it only contains the environment roots and its runtime dependencies.


When using registries like GHCR and Docker Hub, the --oci-password flag is not the password for your account, but a personal access token you need to generate separately.

The specified --base-image should have a libc that is compatible with the host system. For example if your host system is Ubuntu 20.04, you can use ubuntu:20.04, ubuntu:22.04 or newer: the libc in the container image must be at least the version of the host system, assuming ABI compatibility. It is also perfectly fine to use a completely different Linux distribution as long as the libc is compatible.

For convenience, Spack also turns the OCI registry into a build cache, so that future spack install of the environment will simply pull the binaries from the registry instead of doing source builds. The flag --update-index is needed to make Spack take the build cache into account when concretizing.


When generating container images in CI, the approach above is recommended when CI jobs already run in a sandboxed environment. You can simply use spack directly in the CI job and push the resulting image to a registry. Subsequent CI jobs should run faster because Spack can install from the same registry instead of rebuilding from sources.

Generating recipes for Docker and Singularity

Apart from copying existing installations into container images, Spack can also generate recipes for container images. This is useful if you want to run Spack itself in a sandboxed environment instead of on the host system.

Since recipes need a little bit more boilerplate than

COPY spack.yaml /environment
RUN spack -e /environment install

Spack provides a command to generate customizable recipes for container images. Customizations include minimizing the size of the image, installing packages in the base image using the system package manager, and setting up a proper entrypoint to run the image.

A Quick Introduction

Consider having a Spack environment like the following:

  - gromacs+mpi
  - mpich

Producing a Dockerfile from it is as simple as changing directories to where the spack.yaml file is stored and running the following command:

$ spack containerize > Dockerfile

The Dockerfile that gets created uses multi-stage builds and other techniques to minimize the size of the final image:

# Build stage with Spack pre-installed and ready to be used
FROM spack/ubuntu-bionic:latest as builder

# What we want to install and how we want to install it
# is specified in a manifest file (spack.yaml)
RUN mkdir /opt/spack-environment \
&&  (echo "spack:" \
&&   echo "  specs:" \
&&   echo "  - gromacs+mpi" \
&&   echo "  - mpich" \
&&   echo "  concretizer:" \
&&   echo "    unify: true" \
&&   echo "  config:" \
&&   echo "    install_tree: /opt/software" \
&&   echo "  view: /opt/view") > /opt/spack-environment/spack.yaml

# Install the software, remove unnecessary deps
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && spack env activate . && spack install --fail-fast && spack gc -y

# Strip all the binaries
RUN find -L /opt/view/* -type f -exec readlink -f '{}' \; | \
    xargs file -i | \
    grep 'charset=binary' | \
    grep 'x-executable\|x-archive\|x-sharedlib' | \
    awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs strip -s

# Modifications to the environment that are necessary to run
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && \
    spack env activate --sh -d . >> /etc/profile.d/

# Bare OS image to run the installed executables
FROM ubuntu:18.04

COPY --from=builder /opt/spack-environment /opt/spack-environment
COPY --from=builder /opt/software /opt/software
COPY --from=builder /opt/view /opt/view
COPY --from=builder /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "/etc/profile", "-l"]

The image itself can then be built and run in the usual way, with any of the tools suitable for the task. For instance, if we decided to use docker:

$ spack containerize > Dockerfile
$ docker build -t myimage .
[ ... ]
$ docker run -it myimage

The various components involved in the generation of the recipe and their configuration are discussed in details in the sections below.

Spack Images on Docker Hub

Docker images with Spack preinstalled and ready to be used are built when a release is tagged, or nightly on develop. The images are then pushed both to Docker Hub and to GitHub Container Registry. The OS that are currently supported are summarized in the table below:

Supported operating systems

Operating System

Base Image

Spack Image

Ubuntu 18.04



Ubuntu 20.04



Ubuntu 22.04



Ubuntu 24.04



CentOS 7



CentOS Stream


openSUSE Leap



Amazon Linux 2



AlmaLinux 8



AlmaLinux 9



Rocky Linux 8



Rocky Linux 9



Fedora Linux 37



Fedora Linux 38



Fedora Linux 39



Fedora Linux 40



All the images are tagged with the corresponding release of Spack:


with the exception of the latest tag that points to the HEAD of the develop branch. These images are available for anyone to use and take care of all the repetitive tasks that are necessary to setup Spack within a container. The container recipes generated by Spack use them as default base images for their build stage, even though handles to use custom base images provided by users are available to accommodate complex use cases.

Configuring the Container Recipe

Any Spack Environment can be used for the automatic generation of container recipes. Sensible defaults are provided for things like the base image or the version of Spack used in the image. If a finer tuning is needed it can be obtained by adding the relevant metadata under the container attribute of environments:

  - gromacs+mpi
  - mpich

    # Select the format of the recipe e.g. docker,
    # singularity or anything else that is currently supported
    format: docker

    # Sets the base images for the stages where Spack builds the
    # software or where the software gets installed after being built..
      os: "centos:7"
      spack: develop

    # Whether or not to strip binaries
    strip: true

    # Additional system packages that are needed at runtime
      - libgomp

    # Labels for the image
      app: "gromacs"
      mpi: "mpich"

A detailed description of the options available can be found in the Configuration Reference section.

Setting Base Images

The images subsection is used to select both the image where Spack builds the software and the image where the built software is installed. This attribute can be set in different ways and which one to use depends on the use case at hand.

Use Official Spack Images From Dockerhub

To generate a recipe that uses an official Docker image from the Spack organization to build the software and the corresponding official OS image to install the built software, all the user has to do is specify:

  1. An operating system under images:os

  2. A Spack version under images:spack

Any combination of these two values that can be mapped to one of the images discussed in Spack Images on Docker Hub is allowed. For instance, the following spack.yaml:

  - gromacs+mpi
  - mpich

      os: centos:7
      spack: 0.15.4

uses spack/centos7:0.15.4 and centos:7 for the stages where the software is respectively built and installed:

# Build stage with Spack pre-installed and ready to be used
FROM spack/centos7:0.15.4 as builder

# What we want to install and how we want to install it
# is specified in a manifest file (spack.yaml)
RUN mkdir /opt/spack-environment \
&&  (echo "spack:" \
&&   echo "  specs:" \
&&   echo "  - gromacs+mpi" \
&&   echo "  - mpich" \
&&   echo "  concretizer:" \
&&   echo "    unify: true" \
&&   echo "  config:" \
&&   echo "    install_tree: /opt/software" \
&&   echo "  view: /opt/view") > /opt/spack-environment/spack.yaml
[ ... ]
# Bare OS image to run the installed executables
FROM centos:7

COPY --from=builder /opt/spack-environment /opt/spack-environment
COPY --from=builder /opt/software /opt/software
COPY --from=builder /opt/view /opt/view
COPY --from=builder /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "/etc/profile", "-l"]

This is the simplest available method of selecting base images, and we advise to use it whenever possible. There are cases though where using Spack official images is not enough to fit production needs. In these situations users can extend the recipe to start with the bootstrapping of Spack at a certain pinned version or manually select which base image to start from in the recipe, as we’ll see next.

Use a Bootstrap Stage for Spack

In some cases users may want to pin the commit sha that is used for Spack, to ensure later reproducibility, or start from a fork of the official Spack repository to try a bugfix or a feature in the early stage of development. This is possible by being just a little more verbose when specifying information about Spack in the spack.yaml file:

  os: amazonlinux:2
    # URL of the Spack repository to be used in the container image
    url: <to-use-a-fork>
    # Either a commit sha, a branch name or a tag
    ref: <sha/tag/branch>
    # If true turn a branch name or a tag into the corresponding commit
    # sha at the time of recipe generation
    resolve_sha: <true/false>

url specifies the URL from which to clone Spack and defaults to The ref attribute can be either a commit sha, a branch name or a tag. The default value in this case is to use the develop branch, but it may change in the future to point to the latest stable release. Finally resolve_sha transform branch names or tags into the corresponding commit shas at the time of recipe generation, to allow for a greater reproducibility of the results at a later time.

The list of operating systems that can be used to bootstrap Spack can be obtained with:

$ spack containerize --list-os
==> The following operating systems can be used to bootstrap Spack:
alpine:3 amazonlinux:2 fedora:40 fedora:39 fedora:38 fedora:37 rockylinux:9 rockylinux:8 almalinux:9 almalinux:8 centos:stream centos:7 opensuse/leap:15 nvidia/cuda:11.2.1 ubuntu:24.04 ubuntu:22.04 ubuntu:20.04 ubuntu:18.04


The resolve_sha option uses git rev-parse under the hood and thus it requires to checkout the corresponding Spack repository in a temporary folder before generating the recipe. Recipe generation may take longer when this option is set to true because of this additional step.

Use Custom Images Provided by Users

Consider, as an example, building a production grade image for a CUDA application. The best strategy would probably be to build on top of images provided by the vendor and regard CUDA as an external package.

Spack doesn’t currently provide an official image with CUDA configured this way, but users can build it on their own and then configure the environment to explicitly pull it. This requires users to:

  1. Specify the image used to build the software under images:build

  2. Specify the image used to install the built software under images:final

A spack.yaml like the following:

  - gromacs@2019.4+cuda build_type=Release
  - mpich
  - fftw precision=float
      buildable: False
      - spec: cuda%gcc
        prefix: /usr/local/cuda

      build: custom/cuda-10.1-ubuntu18.04:latest
      final: nvidia/cuda:10.1-base-ubuntu18.04

produces, for instance, the following Dockerfile:

# Build stage with Spack pre-installed and ready to be used
FROM custom/cuda-10.1-ubuntu18.04:latest as builder

# What we want to install and how we want to install it
# is specified in a manifest file (spack.yaml)
RUN mkdir /opt/spack-environment \
&&  (echo "spack:" \
&&   echo "  specs:" \
&&   echo "  - gromacs@2019.4+cuda build_type=Release" \
&&   echo "  - mpich" \
&&   echo "  - fftw precision=float" \
&&   echo "  packages:" \
&&   echo "    cuda:" \
&&   echo "      buildable: false" \
&&   echo "      externals:" \
&&   echo "      - spec: cuda%gcc" \
&&   echo "        prefix: /usr/local/cuda" \
&&   echo "  concretizer:" \
&&   echo "    unify: true" \
&&   echo "  config:" \
&&   echo "    install_tree: /opt/software" \
&&   echo "  view: /opt/view") > /opt/spack-environment/spack.yaml

# Install the software, remove unnecessary deps
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && spack env activate . && spack install --fail-fast && spack gc -y

# Strip all the binaries
RUN find -L /opt/view/* -type f -exec readlink -f '{}' \; | \
    xargs file -i | \
    grep 'charset=binary' | \
    grep 'x-executable\|x-archive\|x-sharedlib' | \
    awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs strip -s

# Modifications to the environment that are necessary to run
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && \
    spack env activate --sh -d . >> /etc/profile.d/

# Bare OS image to run the installed executables
FROM nvidia/cuda:10.1-base-ubuntu18.04

COPY --from=builder /opt/spack-environment /opt/spack-environment
COPY --from=builder /opt/software /opt/software
COPY --from=builder /opt/view /opt/view
COPY --from=builder /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "/etc/profile", "-l"]

where the base images for both stages are completely custom.

This second mode of selection for base images is more flexible than just choosing an operating system and a Spack version, but is also more demanding. Users may need to generate by themselves their base images and it’s also their responsibility to ensure that:

  1. Spack is available in the build stage and set up correctly to install the required software

  2. The artifacts produced in the build stage can be executed in the final stage

Therefore we don’t recommend its use in cases that can be otherwise covered by the simplified mode shown first.

Singularity Definition Files

In addition to producing recipes in Dockerfile format Spack can produce Singularity Definition Files by just changing the value of the format attribute:

$ cat spack.yaml
  - hdf5~mpi
    format: singularity

$ spack containerize > hdf5.def
$ sudo singularity build hdf5.sif hdf5.def

The minimum version of Singularity required to build a SIF (Singularity Image Format) image from the recipes generated by Spack is 3.5.3.

Extending the Jinja2 Templates

The Dockerfile and the Singularity definition file that Spack can generate are based on a few Jinja2 templates that are rendered according to the environment being containerized. Even though Spack allows a great deal of customization by just setting appropriate values for the configuration options, sometimes that is not enough.

In those cases, a user can directly extend the template that Spack uses to render the image to e.g. set additional environment variables or perform specific operations either before or after a given stage of the build. Let’s consider as an example the following structure:

$ tree /opt/environment
├── data
│     └── data.csv
├── spack.yaml
├── data
└── templates
    └── container
        └── CustomDockerfile

containing both the custom template extension and the environment manifest file. To use a custom template, the environment must register the directory containing it, and declare its use under the container configuration:

  - hdf5~mpi
    unify: true
    - /opt/environment/templates
    format: docker
    depfile: true
    template: container/CustomDockerfile

The template extension can override two blocks, named build_stage and final_stage, similarly to the example below:

{% extends "container/Dockerfile" %}
{% block build_stage %}
RUN echo "Start building"
{{ super() }}
{% endblock %}
{% block final_stage %}
{{ super() }}
COPY data /share/myapp/data
{% endblock %}

The Dockerfile is generated by running:

$ spack -e /opt/environment containerize

Note that the environment must be active for spack to read the template. The recipe that gets generated contains the two extra instruction that we added in our template extension:

# Build stage with Spack pre-installed and ready to be used
FROM spack/ubuntu-jammy:latest as builder

RUN echo "Start building"

# What we want to install and how we want to install it
# is specified in a manifest file (spack.yaml)
RUN mkdir /opt/spack-environment \
&&  (echo "spack:" \
&&   echo "  specs:" \
&&   echo "  - hdf5~mpi" \
&&   echo "  concretizer:" \
&&   echo "    unify: true" \
&&   echo "  config:" \
&&   echo "    template_dirs:" \
&&   echo "    - /tmp/environment/templates" \
&&   echo "    install_tree: /opt/software" \
&&   echo "  view: /opt/view") > /opt/spack-environment/spack.yaml

# Install the software, remove unnecessary deps
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && spack env activate . && spack concretize && spack env depfile -o Makefile && make -j $(nproc) && spack gc -y

# Strip all the binaries
RUN find -L /opt/view/* -type f -exec readlink -f '{}' \; | \
    xargs file -i | \
    grep 'charset=binary' | \
    grep 'x-executable\|x-archive\|x-sharedlib' | \
    awk -F: '{print $1}' | xargs strip -s

# Modifications to the environment that are necessary to run
RUN cd /opt/spack-environment && \
    spack env activate --sh -d . >> /etc/profile.d/

# Bare OS image to run the installed executables
FROM ubuntu:22.04

COPY --from=builder /opt/spack-environment /opt/spack-environment
COPY --from=builder /opt/software /opt/software
COPY --from=builder /opt/._view /opt/._view
COPY --from=builder /opt/view /opt/view
COPY --from=builder /etc/profile.d/ /etc/profile.d/

COPY data /share/myapp/data

ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash", "--rcfile", "/etc/profile", "-l", "-c", "$*", "--" ]
CMD [ "/bin/bash" ]

Configuration Reference

The tables below describe all the configuration options that are currently supported to customize the generation of container recipes:

General configuration options for the container section of spack.yaml

Option Name


Allowed Values



The format of the recipe

docker or singularity



Whether to use a depfile for installation, or not

True or False (default)



Operating system used as a base for the image

See Supported operating systems

Yes, if using constrained selection of base images


Version of Spack use in the build stage

Valid tags for base:image

Yes, if using constrained selection of base images


Repository from which Spack is cloned

Any fork of Spack



Reference for the checkout of Spack

Either a commit sha, a branch name or a tag



Resolve branches and tags in spack.yaml to commits in the generated recipe

True or False (default: False)



Image to be used in the build stage

Any valid container image

Yes, if using custom selection of base images


Image to be used in the build stage

Any valid container image

Yes, if using custom selection of base images


Whether to strip binaries

true (default) or false



Tool used to manage system packages

apt, yum, dnf, dnf_epel, zypper, apk, yum_amazon

Only with custom base images


Whether or not to update the list of available packages

True or False (default: True)



System packages needed at build-time

Valid packages for the current OS



System packages needed at run-time

Valid packages for the current OS



Labels to tag the image

Pairs of key-value strings


Configuration options specific to Singularity

Option Name


Allowed Values



Content of %runscript

Any valid script



Content of %startscript

Any valid script



Content of %test

Any valid script



Description of the image

Description string


Best Practices


Due to the dependency on Fortran for OpenMPI, which is the spack default implementation, consider adding gfortran to the apt-get install list.

Recent versions of OpenMPI will require you to pass --allow-run-as-root to your mpirun calls if started as root user inside Docker.

For execution on HPC clusters, it can be helpful to import the docker image into Singularity in order to start a program with an external MPI. Otherwise, also add openssh-server to the apt-get install list.


Starting from CUDA 9.0, Nvidia provides minimal CUDA images based on Ubuntu. Please see their instructions. Avoid double-installing CUDA by adding, e.g.

    - spec: "cuda@9.0.176%gcc@5.4.0 arch=linux-ubuntu16-x86_64"
      prefix: /usr/local/cuda
    buildable: False

to your spack.yaml.

Users will either need nvidia-docker or e.g. Singularity to execute device kernels.

Docker on Windows and OSX

On Mac OS and Windows, docker runs on a hypervisor that is not allocated much memory by default, and some spack packages may fail to build due to lack of memory. To work around this issue, consider configuring your docker installation to use more of your host memory. In some cases, you can also ease the memory pressure on parallel builds by limiting the parallelism in your config.yaml.

  build_jobs: 2